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How to pay off your 30 years mortgage in 5-7 years

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If you’re like most homeowners, you’re probably looking at ways to pay off your mortgage in a shorter amount of time. And while there are many different methods out there, one that seems to be gaining traction is the 5-year plan.

In this article, we’ll outline the key steps in using a 5-year plan to pay off your mortgage in record time. So whether you’re ready to take on this challenge or just want to be informed about it, read on!

Steps to take to pay off your mortgage

To pay off your mortgage in a short amount of time, there are a few steps you can take.

First, make sure you have a good credit score. This will help you get approved for the best mortgage rates and qualify for favourable terms.

Second, be sure to keep your payments down. When you make your monthly payments, don’t put too much money aside each month. This will help you stay ahead of the mortgage payment schedule.

And lastly, never underestimate the power of refinancing! A refinance can dramatically reduce the amount of time it takes to pay off your mortgage. Speak to a mortgage agent to see if refinancing is right for you.

Calculating your payments

If you want to pay off your mortgage in a shorter amount of time, you will need to make smaller payments each month. To calculate your monthly payments, divide your total mortgage balance by the number of months remaining on your loan. This will give you the amount you will need to pay each month.

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For example, if you have a loan that is 20 years long and has a balance of $200,000, your monthly payment would be $1,000. If you wanted to payoff the mortgage in 10 years, your monthly payment would be $100. You would need to make 120 payments of $1,000 each to get rid of the debt.

Another way to pay off your mortgage is to make larger payments every month. This will take longer, but it will also result in a quicker payoff. To do this, first find out how much you can afford to pay every month without putting too much strain on your finances. Then divide that amount by 12 to find the number of months it would take you to pay off the entire debt. For example, if you can afford to pay $2,000 every month toward the debt, your payoff plan would be 36 months.

Making extra money work for you

There are a number of ways to pay off your mortgage in less time than you might think. If you have the right approach, making extra money can work very well for you.

One way to pay off your mortgage faster is to refinance. This is when you take out a new loan to replace the old one. By doing this, you can often get a lower interest rate and make more money in the process. You can also use this money to pay down your debt more quickly.

Another way to pay off your mortgage in less time is to use cash-out refinancing. This is when you take out a new loan that allows you to borrow all of the money you need upfront and then start paying off your old loan over time. This option can be especially helpful if you have low credit scores or if your original loan was big.

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If you have children, another option is to use their college savings account as part of the payoff plan. This allows them to delay paying back their own debt while also helping them build their money muscles for the future.

Whatever approach works best for you, remember that making extra money can be a great way to speed up the process of paying off your mortgage.

Tips for budgeting

If you want to pay off your mortgage in years, you will need to be proactive and start budgeting early. Here are some tips for budgeting:

1. Make a list of your monthly expenses and subtract the amount needed to pay off your mortgage each month. This will give you a starting point for your savings.

2. Dedicate at least 10% of your income to your mortgage each year, and increase the amount as you reach goals or milestones on the debt.

3. Set realistic repayment goals and work towards them over time. If you find it difficult to stick to a repayment plan, talk to a financial advisor about options that may be more suited for you.

By being proactive and budgeting regularly, you can pay off your mortgage in years!

Reviewing your credit score

If you want to pay off your mortgage in a shorter amount of time, you will need to improve your credit score. Your credit score is a measure of your credit history and how well you have paid your debts in the past. The better your credit score, the easier it will be for you to get approved for loans and debt consolidation products.

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There are several ways to improve your credit score. You can get a free copy of your credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus every year. You can also try to pay all of your debts on time each month. If you are having financial difficulties, try to make a good faith effort to resolve them before applying for a loan or debt consolidation product.

Finally, keep in mind that your credit score won’t change overnight. It may take several months or years of consistent good behavior to improve your credit score. But by taking these steps, you can speed up the process and pay off your mortgage in less time.


If you are thinking of paying off your mortgage in the next 5 years, it is important to have a plan. There are many factors that will affect how fast you can pay off your mortgage, and there is no single path that guarantees success. However, by following some simple steps and taking advantage of available resources, you can put yourself on the path to reaching your goal.

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